5 Things you should NEVER do in your Facebook Ads
5 Things you should NEVER do in your Facebook Ads
and what to do instead.
If you want to get your ads approved by Facebook, and clicked by your audience, then make sure you don't make any of these 5 mistakes.
They are surefire ways to get your ads ignored by your audience, or worse, disapproved by Facebook.
By the way, these 5 things apply to any business, regardless of industry.
If you want to run successful, profitable ads, download my 10 steps to Facebook ads success for free .
Click below to watch the video or read the transcript if you prefer.
Hello, hello and welcome. Today I'm here to talk to you about five things you should never put on a Facebook ad, because if you're running Facebook ads for your business, you want your ads to produce results.
Now, if you do one of those things that I'm going to tell you today, you're not going to see the results you want, and you might even get your ads disapproved by Facebook and you don't want that.
So, let's start.
1- Do not write a one-line copy on your ad.
Do not write a one-line copy on your ad. Make sure that you write something on your ad that is appealing and compelling to your audience.
Your copy is the most important part of your ad. It does need to tell your audience what it is that you are promoting. And I have seen many ads out there with only one single line or two or none.👀
So you can't do that because you can't expect people to know what it is that you are promoting, what you want them to do, only by using an image or a few emojis or one line.
You need to communicate with your audience and tell them what it is for them.
What is it that they're going to find out more about if they click on your ad?
So your copy is really, really important. Make sure that you think about how you're going to communicate with your audience, what they need to know to click on your ad.
All right. So you're going to be thinking about writing at least a good paragraph, never a one single line.
2- Using an image that doesn't fully reflect what it is that you are promoting
Using an image that doesn't fully reflect what it is that you are promoting. I have seen many ads out there where you're not quite sure by looking at the image, what it is that is being promoted.
Once I even thought they were promoting a clock and I stopped to have a look because I was after I clock for my wall. And in fact, what was being promoted was a tiny little bag that was sitting on a table in front of the big clock.
But as you can imagine, as a consumer, I was thinking that the product being promoted was the clock. And I was very disappointed to find out that it wasn't. So you need to make sure that whatever it is that you're promoting, big or small, that it is the centre of your image and it is going to catch your audience eyes.
3- Send people to your homepage.
You should never send people to your home page. Your ad needs to send the audience to your product page or a landing page.
If you are promoting a couch, a coffee table, a shirt, trousers, a freebie, a course, a service, whatever it is that you're promoting, you want to send people to the product or service page where they can instantly find what you are promoting in your advertising. It’s going to help you convert more clicks into sales.
If your audience click on your ad and go to another web page where they need to look for the very thing you promoted in the ad, they will click away and you will lose money.
4- Never list too many features about your product or service
Never list specifications, dimensions, or too many features or details about your product or service because your customers are on Facebook are to socialise. They're not there to read product specifications, the dimensions, or service features.
What you want to do is to tell your audience about the benefits of your product or service.
What is your product going to do for them?
How are they going to benefit from it?
A few features that you could mention are things that are highly valued by your audience. For example, if your products are organic or if they are made of a certain material that you know your customers value a lot, or if you know that your products are made in Australia.
So what you want to mention are things that are really important and highly valued by your audience. You don't want to put the nitty-gritty. Leave the nitty-gritty for your website, for the copy on the product or service page.
5- Don’t be too personal or negative in your copy
And last but not least, don't be too personal and definitely do NOT address your audience in a way that is negative. Facebook will not approve your ads if you're talking to your audience in a way that makes them feel bad about themselves.
So what are we talking about here? We're talking about personal attributes. You can't ask someone whether they are feeling down, depressed, or if they want to lose weight, or if they are feeling unhappy.
You can't talk to your audience in that way. you can't infer certain attributes and talk to people in a way that they truly feel like you are talking to them, or that makes them feel down.
So make sure that your copy is positive and talks about the product or service, and how the product or service will help the people, but not in a way that puts your audience down because your ads will certainly be disapproved if you do that and that's not the point.
Let me know if you have any questions at all. If you need help with your Facebook ads, I offer both, done-for-you and training. Feel free to schedule a no-obligation chat with me here.